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Make It Stick

The Science of Successful Learning

Tired of forgetting what you learn? Many common study habits and practice routines, like rereading and cramming, don’t work. This groundbreaking book, based on the latest research in cognitive science, offers powerful strategies to boost memory and learning. Make It Stick has helped millions of educators, students, and lifelong learners use proven approaches to learn better and remember longer. 

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US Navy SEALs Use Make It Stick.

“We have made Make It Stick a touchstone for our instructors… to gain a real advantage for our learners as they tackle some of the toughest work in the world.”

—Carl Czech, former Senior Instructional Systems Specialist/Advisor, US Navy SEALs 

About the Authors

Peter C. Brown

Writer and former management consultant.

Henry L. Roediger III

James S. McDonnell Distinguished University Professor of Psychology at Washington University in St. Louis. Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.

Mark A. McDaniel

Professor of Psychology and Director of the Center for Integrative Research on Cognition, Learning, and Education (CIRCLE) at Washington University in St. Louis.

Henry Roediger and Mark McDaniel are cognitive scientists who have dedicated their careers to the study of learning. Peter Brown is a storyteller. They teamed up to explain how learning and memory work. This book arose from a large body of research and a ten-year collaboration among 11 cognitive scientists at six different universities who wanted to bridge the gap between learning science and education. 

Tips for Learners

Since its publication ten years ago, Make It Stick has launched a quiet revolution in learning. University leaders incorporate its methods. Teaching and learning centers recommend it to all incoming students. School districts press it into the hands of their faculty. A Cambridge grad student’s video about the book has been watched 5.1 million times. Students in high-stakes fields like medicine and Navy SEALs swear by its practical approach to learning and memory. Many people are so excited by what they learn in Make It Stick that they create videos and articles with tips from the book. We’ve gathered a few helpful examples here.

A college student writing in a note book and referencing a book in a library.

Big Ideas About Learning

Get it out to get it in

It’s retrieval from memory, not review, that deepens learning and makes it stick.

Some difficulties are desirable.

Difficulties that resemble real-world conditions, and require effort to overcome, deepen learning and improve later performance.

Intuition misleads us.

Many strategies that feel productive, like rereading and massed practice, are labor in vain.

It’s better to mix things up and space them out.

Interleaving topics and types of activities over time improves retention.


Get in Touch

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